Our company offers the design of autonomic microprocessor system solutions.The graphic visualization is enriched with clear graphs, additional animations, key numbers, and it presents the data flow in the production process. Depending on the data characteristics they can be shared on mobile devices (phones, tablets, laptops) or large-sized screens. We design systems based on the x86, ARM9, and XScale architecture working under Linux or Windows CE systems. We offer the software in C, C++, Java, and Assembler technologies. Our competencies range from embedded systems consulting, requirement specification preparation, to the model design and software creation.
Our company deploys MES IT solutions serving as data collectors directly from the machines or production terminals. Thanks to the MES functionality we can obtain an immediate return signal informing about the status of production execution. MES systems can be a part of ERP system used for company management. Read more about the ERP company management software and MES production terminals data collectors.
- consulting and consultations in the field of embedded systems
- requirement specification and model creation preparation
- software creation