Backup and data replication
Preparing the information and telecommunications facility for a disaster that causes data loss is extremely important. Every company should take care of its security and the technological advance makes us keep more and more data on the internet. That is why such activities as backup or data replication are essential to keep the work continuity.
How to protect yourself against data loss?
We collect data on the internet which facilitates and accelerates work. That is why it is worth to look at the security issues from a slightly different perspective. It can always happen that you loose the data that you care about. That is why doing a few activities is your responsibility. The IT infrastructure continuity should be preserved irregardless of the circumstances. We currently have two basic ways of data preserving. The whole data management or data archiving focuses on vast tasks targeted at data protection but also at its management. Th first way is the so-called backup. The second is data replication which is often mistakes with the backup.
What do we need archiving for?
Data archiving is a way of data transfer from one data medium to another. It enables not only the data loss protection but it also introduces additional security measures, as well as hierarchical bulk memory management. This way rarely-used files are transferred to slower and cheaper media. The whole archiving process is the answer to the data loss risk as it guarantees keeping the IT infrastructure continuity. The archiving process does not deprive the user of data access but it classifies and marshals them on another medium.
Backup is not replication
Backup and data replication are slightly different terms. Backup is creating space in which the data is stored in order to restore it in case of system malfunction. The backup data is unavailable during the normal system operation. On the other hand, data replication is a mirror data reproduction process. It is created between various database servers. However, the replication does not only have to involve database systems. It can also concern independent data copying between the server and the customer.
Backup or replication?
Backup and data replication are slightly different terms. Backup is creating space in which the data is stored in order to restore it in case of system malfunction. The backup data is unavailable during the normal system operation. On the other hand, data replication is a mirror data reproduction process. It is created between various database servers. However, the replication does not only have to involve database systems. It can also concern independent data copying between the server and the customer.
The procedures for the infrastructure continuity reconstruction
Adequate archiving or data replication activity have to be described in a special document. DRP or Disaster Recovery Plan includes procedures that should be followed before, during and after the proper data damage. Thanks to it you can recover the IT infrastructure work continuity even after an especially bad data loss.
How does the DRP work?
This is the way our company deals with archiving, backup and data replication. We are then knowledgeable on how to act since we also match the technical solution with the customer's expectations and possibilities. Everything in that aspect depends on the complicatedness. Our whole activity can be based on the use of the mechanisms replicating data to its backup center. However, the check can also be based on the data archiving procedures and their modification.
The data backup, replication and its archiving serve for securing the IT environment and its reconstruction when we loose access to it due to a disaster or human activity. Procedure preparation and deployment is thus the basic form of protection.
Archiving and data replication services for business
Both archiving and data replication is one of the guarantors of the IT environment restoration after a natural disaster or human activity. Both properly prepared archiving and data replication should be described in the Disaster Recovery Plan. The document contains a series of procedures and tasks that have to be done before, during, and after a disaster in order to restore the IT infrastructure work continuity. Based on the DRP document the technical part providing the work continuity is executed. Together with the customer we choose an adequate technical solution. Depending on the complicatedness of the task and the protection level the archiving can come down to executing data copying scripts or using virtual machine/data replication mechanisms to a backup data center. Our company provides services connected with the data archiving procedure monitoring.
Our company offers its services in the field of choosing the equipment, as well as the backup and data replication software.
Azure Site Recovery and Azure Backup - company data protection
Microsoft Azure cloud services provide devices for keeping the work continuity and post-failure data recovery. Preserving work continuity is of crucial importance for business applications. A lack of access to the key business applications is often connected with company work stoppage and high financial loses.
More about Azure SiteData archiving tools
Strategy, tool, and IT data archiving tool techniques description. Company data saved on the servers and disk arrays are one of the most valuable assets a company possesses and that is why it should be properly secured against random incidents or intentional activity.
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